Founder Hans Clemens comes to Kirchardt/Baden with his family and is literally left with "nothing" as a result of the Second World War. The newly awakened optimism of this time also captures Hans Clemens and he founds a retail store selling, among other things, teddy bears handmade by his sister - the birth of Clemens Spieltiere.


As the tasks grew, so did the new company: Employees were hired permanently and the production program was expanded to include a variety of plush toys - the "breakthrough" was achieved.


The successful consolidation was already mainly the work of Peter Clemens. The son of Hans Clemens, who had joined the company in 1953, took over the sole management of the company. Peter Clemens consistently focused on quality in design, materials and workmanship and won over specialist retailers as partners for his strategy. The emergence of the collectors' market for teddy bears facilitated this path.


Handover of the company to the American entrepreneur Ren H.C. Lee


Son Peter Clemens - managing director of the 2nd generation and advisor to the company - passes away after a short, serious illness. The company Clemens-Spieltiere GmbH will continue to produce teddy bears in the spirit of the Clemens family and continue their life's work.

